Trekking With Tri Deltas for St. Jude

Registration Form (coming soon)
Trekking With Tri Deltas for St. Jude
5K, broken into 2 segments
September 22, 2024

2pm (arrive at 1:45pm)
Laura Walsten Machine Shed

Online registration link below

To volunteers - click HERE

PDF version of registration form for postal mail - coming soon

When you have successfully completed the payment process, you will be presented with a confirmation page including a “return to merchant” button. Please print this page as sometimes we are having problems with PayPal email receipts getting caught in spam filters.

After you print the confirmation page, then click the “return to merchant” button to be redirected to a "Thank you for your payment" page.  If you do not see the confirmation screen, you have not completed the process.  If you have questions, please send an EMAIL to our website volunteer.

12” x 31” towel

in 6.5” x 2.5” Carabiner Case

Join Tri Delta sisters, family, friends, co-workers for a healthy outdoor “walk at your pace” along the country roads in rural Champaign.  Due to scheduling conflicts, we will hold this version of “Trekking” in place of our usual Zumbathon.  (Zumbathon will be back next year)

Instead of two Zumba classes, we will walk 1.5 miles to one of Laura’s neighbors (who is also a big St. Jude supporter), enjoy a snack/hydration break, then walk back 1.5 miles to Laura’s shed for another snack/ hydration break and door prizes.
We will also have some past Zumbathon items for sale and many door prizes. All proceeds will be added to our St. Jude Walk/Run fundraising efforts. 
Registration includes:     
    5K walk at your pace 
    Plenty of snacks, hydration, door prizes 

**Registering by 9/19 helps as we plan for food/beverage supplies.  

Online registration/payment is through PayPal and you will be prompted to pay 
with either PayPal or your credit card of choice.